
About acupuncture

Acupuncture is one of the most commonly used systems of complementary medicine in the UK and remains part of mainstream medicine in China. 

In Chinese medicine it is regarded as essential to health that energy (referred to as Qi) is able to flow freely around the body. If this flow is hindered (for example, following injury, infection, stress or poor nutrition), illness or pain will occur. 

Acupuncture uses very fine sterile needles, inserted into specific points around the body, to re-establish energy flow and the body’s own healing process.

Chinese medicine views each person as an individual, aiming to improve their overall health as well as their current symptoms. 

Who has acupuncture?

People frequently come with musculoskeletal problems, such as backache or sports injuries. However, acupuncture has been used for thousands of years to address all manner of illnesses too (including long-term complaints), or to simply maintain health and wellbeing (both emotional and physical).

Every Western condition has its own Chinese medicine interpretation. The British Acupuncture Council has produced research-based factsheets for over 60 conditions.

Please contact me if you feel you would like to ask whether acupuncture would benefit you.

What to expect

An initial appointment involves taking a thorough medical history, plus consideration of relevant diet, lifestyle (such as sleep patterns) and emotional factors. Pulse and tongue diagnosis are also important. This approach allows an individualised treatment plan to be formulated; two people with the same Western condition may receive different treatment and advice.

Sterile, single-use, stainless steel needles are inserted into acupuncture points. These are very fine, and the sensation felt is usually described as tingling, a mild dull ache or heaviness. People frequently feel deeply relaxed during treatment.

People typically begin with a course of five or six weekly treatments, with frequency reducing as improvement occurs.